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Ethereum (ETH): Is it Time to Cash Out? Low Volatility but Falling Thursday

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Ethereum (ETH), Low Volatility but Falling Thursday: Is it Time to Cash Out?

Ethereum (ETH) has been relatively less volatile compared to the crypto market. So far Thursday, the Distributed Software Platform has declined 0.71% to $2250.52.

volatility - 19

InvestorsObserver is giving Ethereum a 19 Volatility Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Ethereum!

Low Volatility

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InvestorsObserver gives Ethereum a low volatility rank of 19, placing it in the bottom 19% of cryptos on the market.

The Volatility Gauge takes into account meaning that one day won't make or break its rank. ETH's low volatility reading is coupled with a low reading on the Risk/Reward Gauge, meaning that the coin has relatively narrow price swings and is well protected from price manipulation.

Ethereum price is in a favorable position going forward. With support around $2202.92 and resistance around $2288.55. This positions Ethereum with room to run before facing selling pressures.

What is a Coin?

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A coin is a cryptocurrency that exists on its own blockchain. these are typically used for payments. Depending on the cryptocurrency, what those payments are used for may vary from general use in the Digital Money sub-class to more specific uses in some other sub-classes.

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